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1. Does your health insurance have a high deductible?

You’re not alone. About 43 percent of Americans are covered by high-deductible healthcare plans.* That can be a big chunk of change to come up with if a serious illness like a heart attack, stroke or cancer occurs. Critical illness insurance is a good option to help you fill the financial gap, so you can focus on getting better.

*CBS News, “Higher health insurance deductibles a sickening trend for Americans,” June 13, 2019.

You’re among a small, fortunate group. High deductibles are very common, in fact about 43 percent of Americans are covered by high-deductible healthcare plans.* Critical illness insurance may still be a good option because the money can be used however you like – not just for medical bills.

*CBS News, “Higher health insurance deductibles a sickening trend for Americans,” June 13, 2019.

2. Do you know how much you’d pay out of your own pocket if you got sick?

It’s good you know the ins and outs of your plan. While health insurance helps cover the cost of eligible medical expenses, what about your everyday expenses? You’ll still need to pay for things like your mortgage, loans, credit cards or daycare. The money critical illness insurance provides is your money to spend how you want.

It can be a hard question to answer. Critical illness insurance is designed to complement your health insurance, not replace it. Not only can you use it to help you cover your deductible, co-pays, prescriptions and potential out-of-network costs, you can use it for everyday expenses such as your mortgage or whatever you need.

3. Can your budget handle more than routine doctors’ bills?

It’s smart to be prepared for bills that pop up. Most Americans - about 40 percent - can’t cover a $400 emergency expense.* Critical illness insurance can help keep your savings intact and your budget on track. It’s money you can use however you want.

* Federal Reserve, “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2018,” May 2019.

Many people are in the same situation. About 40 percent of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency expense.* The good news: the money from critical illness insurance can be used however you want – cover your deductibles, co-pays and other medical costs, or use it for everyday expenses like your mortgage.

* Federal Reserve, “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2018,” May 2019.

4. If faced with a serious illness, would you want to be able to afford the best possible care?

Critical illness insurance can help. It gives you the freedom to choose the care you think is best by providing money you can use however and wherever you want. Work with health providers and facilities outside of your network, pay for non-traditional, complementary care, or experimental treatment not covered by typical health insurance plans. It’s up to you.

Even if you’re comfortable with your health insurance coverage, you may want to be able to afford to have your spouse by your side. Or to help cover your everyday bills while you’re recovering. The money from critical illness insurance is yours to use without restrictions on how you use it.

5. Would extra cash be helpful if you were seriously ill?

If faced with a critical illness, you’ll have plenty on your mind. Money from a critical illness policy is paid directly to you. You’ll have the freedom to use it how you want – bills, treatments, or a much-needed vacation. You decide.

Maybe you’d like to take a vacation with your family. Perhaps pay off the mortgage or another big debt. Maybe you could make your home more comfortable with a few upgrades. Even if you feel like you’re in a good financial position, you may want to consider what a critical illness insurance policy could do for you.

Should you ever face a critical illness, gain peace of mind knowing you can focus on what’s most important: your recovery. Talk to an insurance professional today to learn more about Assurity’s critical illness insurance plans.