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East­bridge names Assuri­ty 2019 Vol­un­tary Sales Growth Leader. 

Assurity is the fastest growing carrier for the second year in a row.

LINCOLN, Neb., May 19, 2020 – For a second consecutive year, Assurity has been named the Voluntary Sales Growth Leader in the small carrier category by Eastbridge Consulting Group.

While voluntary sales industrywide rose 4.5 percent in 2019, Assurity increased its voluntary sales by 66 percent over 2018 totals – the company’s fourth consecutive year of double-digit growth.

To qualify for the honor, a company must achieve above-average results for three consecutive years.

“We’ve long valued Eastbridge’s research and service to the industry, and are honored that they’ve recognized Assurity as the Voluntary Sales Growth Leader for a second year in a row,” said Todd Reimers, Assurity Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer. “Our growth is truly a reflection of the efforts and commitment of all of our Assurity associates. Four consecutive years of double-digit voluntary sales growth do not happen without a dedicated sales team, distribution network and support personnel working together to help people through difficult times. We continue to simplify, streamline and invest in our processes, and it’s gratifying to see those efforts pay off and our growth recognized.”

Across the industry, voluntary sales totals exceeded $8.8 billion in 2019 – the ninth straight year of steady growth, according to Eastbridge’s U.S. Voluntary/Worksite Sales Report. Each year after the report is published, Eastbridge recognizes companies that exhibited stronger-than-average growth in voluntary sales for the past three years. All carriers participating in the survey with a minimum of $10 million in annual sales are eligible for Voluntary Sales Growth Leader recognition.

Read the full press release here.
Four con­sec­u­tive years of dou­ble-dig­it vol­un­tary sales growth do not hap­pen with­out a ded­i­cat­ed sales team, dis­tri­b­u­tion net­work and sup­port per­son­nel work­ing togeth­er to help peo­ple through dif­fi­cult times.”

Todd Reimers Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, Assurity