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For Individuals.

Accidental Death Insurance


Pays your loved ones money if you die from an accident.

Why do you need accidental death insurance?

Consider accidental death insurance if you're looking for an affordable alternative to life insurance, if you want to supplement your current life insurance coverage, or if you're unable to qualify for life insurance due to medical reasons. It can do more than replace a lost income – it can pay for final expenses, a mortgage and more.

To prepare for the unexpected

What if your family suddenly lost your income? The money from accidental death insurance can help keep life moving if you die from an accident.

For peace of mind

Accidental death insurance helps your family keep up with some of the most important things in life—like mortgage or rent, childcare, college tuition and more.

Jack from Sales

How much accidental death insurance do you need?

Accidents are unexpected, by definition. To figure out how much accidental death insurance is right for your family, consider how much they would need if they lost your income with no time to prepare.

Know the odds

Accidental death may not seem very likely, but it happens more often than you may think for people in certain age groups, jobs, and lifestyles. And no matter the odds, this insurance is an affordable way to plan ahead should the unexpected happen to you. Consider this:

  • Accidents are the leading cause of death for people age 44 or younger in the United States.1
  • People who work outdoors, in manufacturing, construction, or other hands-on jobs can be more at risk for accidents—and may not be able to qualify for traditional life insurance.

What would your family need?

If you’re like most Americans, your monthly budget probably doesn’t leave as much room for the unforeseen as you’d like. Without your income, what would your family need to keep daily living expenses covered and long-term plans on track? How would they cover:

  • Essentials like groceries and childcare
  • Mortgage or rent
  • Utility and phone bills
  • Regular loan or car payments
  • Planning ahead for children's education or retirement

Key features of accidental death insurance

Accidental death insurance provides money to your family to help them manage without your income should the unexpected happen.

Benefits add up

Accidental death benefits are paid directly to your family or other beneficiary. The money doesn't take the place of any life insurance or other compensation your beneficiaries are entitled to—it's paid in addition to other benefits you may have in place.

Easy application, protection starts right away

You won’t need a medical exam. After we receive your application, most policies will be issued within two business days and you’ll be covered.

Optional disability income protection

If an injury leaves you unable to work, the loss of your income can quickly drain savings. The Accident Only Disability Income Rider is an affordable option you can buy with your policy—and secure an income if you suffer a total disability caused by an accident.

Insurance solutions that fit your needs

  • Megan, 38

    Married with two kids

    Dance instructor earning $62,000/year

    I won’t have to worry about my husband paying off my loans if something happens to me.”
  • Dave, 29

    Married with baby on the way

    Roofer earning $38,000/year

    Life insurance through employer

    We can’t afford a lot of life insurance right now, so I feel good having a back-up plan to protect my family.”

Already have Assurity Accidental Death Insurance?

Why Assurity Accidental Death Insurance?

Mutual strength

For over 130 years, our financial strength has helped people support one another through difficult times.

A force for good

As a Certified B Corporation, we work toward positive impacts for employees, communities, and the environment.

Personal service

Get the customer service you need from real, responsive, and efficient people in our Lincoln, Nebraska headquarters.

Assurity also offers accident expense insurance benefits at your work.

Your employer may offer Assurity Accident Expense Insurance as part of the benefits you purchase at work. It pays specific benefit amounts for covered accidents—helping to preserve savings or bridge gaps in coverage like copays and deductibles.

These products may contain reductions of benefits, limitations and exclusions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, please contact your insurance representative or Assurity to review the policy for more information.

Policy Form Nos. I H2004, I H2011 and L T02-E and Rider Form Nos. R I 2005 and R I0827-W underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Nebraska. Policy Form No. I H1513 NY and Rider Form No. R I 1514 NY underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, New York.

Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, NY. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state.

1 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, Top Ten Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. for Ages 1-44 from 1981-2019

2 Base Policy provides a $300,000 death benefit, based on a 38-year-old, non-smoking female earning $62,000 annually, initial monthly premium $18

3 Base Policy provides a $250,000 death benefit + $1,200 accidental disability Income benefit, based on a 29-year-old male earning $38,000 annually, total monthly premium $41