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How Quick­Start can trans­form your business 

Grow sales fast with this all-in-one platform customized just for you.

Matt Balascak Headshot

By Matt Balascak, Content Writer and Podcast Host


QuickStart by Assurity can help transform your business

It’s an illuminating statistic: 67 percent of Millennials and 56 percent of Gen X prefer to make purchases online[1]. More to the point, 41 percent of consumers say they’re more likely to switch insurance providers due to a lack of digital capabilities, 15 percent say the biggest difficulty in getting insurance is a lack of digital capabilities [2]. As an independent broker, your clients expect online service, but still want your expertise and reassurance – and if you’re not offering them that, you’re falling behind in the digital arms race. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Enter Assurity’s QuickStart – a complete, customizable quote-to-application and submission platform that helps small brokerages get online fast, expand their business and cross sell to existing clients.

‘This sounds like an ad,’ you may be thinking. And you’d be right, technically – but bear with us. QuickStart can genuinely transform your business, and it’s worth a serious look. In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What is QuickStart?
  • How does QuickStart work?
  • Why choose QuickStart?
  • How can I get QuickStart?

What is QuickStart?

QuickStart is an all-in-one sales platform that’s customized just for you – it allows you to take your sales online fast and grow your business in new directions. It’s full of options that you can use to tailor it to your unique needs. For example, you can use it to sell mortgage protection disability insurance directly to new homeowners, speed up your in-person life insurance sales process or anything in between. Options for both agent-led and direct-to-consumer sales give you powerful choices.

It does a lot, but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. In fact, QuickStart was designed to be as easy to use as possible. Most users are up and running within days, and there’s no technical or coding expertise required from you or your team.

Watch the video

How does QuickStart work?

The QuickStart process is simple. First, you’ll meet with one of our experts to make sure QuickStart is a good fit for you and learn more about the platform. You’ll also take part in a brief demonstration to see it in action. Then, if QuickStart is right for you, it’s just a matter of getting licensed and contracted with Assurity and customizing your site.

When building a new QuickStart site, there are a lot of options to consider. You’ll need to decide if you want a complete consumer-direct experience, where customers will go through the entire process from quote to application on their own, or whether you’d prefer an agent-led experience where one of your representatives guides customers through each step.

From there, you’ll select which products and optional riders you’d like to offer – currently there are four products available on QuickStart, with more on the way. As of this article’s publication, you can sell Term Life Insurance, Income Protection Disability Income Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance and Accidental Death Insurance. Want your QuickStart site to offer all four of them, or just one? No problem. And once you’ve selected the products you want to sell, you can go even deeper by customizing the rider and coverage options for each of them. You can even specify the benefit amounts you’d like to make available, and it’ll all be reflected in your QuickStart site.

But of course, customization should go further than giving you product and rider choices – QuickStart is an extension of your brand and business, and it should look and feel like it as well. That’s why everything is branded with your logo, colors and imagery, so it looks exactly like your customers expect.

Once you’ve specified everything your QuickStart site should do, our team will build it, test it, and make sure everything is secure, accessible and compliant. Once it’s ready to go, we hand it over to you – the entire process typically takes just a short time to complete.

Our involvement doesn’t end here. Once you’re using QuickStart, we’ll meet with you twice a year to ensure it’s working and optimal efficiency, and that you’re getting everything you can from your QuickStart experience. Not only will we provide guidance and material for marketing and advertising your site, but you also get complementary access to Google analytics so you can see what’s working in real time. Everything about QuickStart is built with your success in mind.

Why choose QuickStart?

Great question. There are a few products and platforms out there that promise to help you get online, but there’s only one QuickStart – and we think there are plenty of reasons why it stands above the competition.

First is the wide range of product and customization options, allowing you to craft a platform that fits how you already do business or one that opens new opportunities. By not boxing you in to just a handful of options, you’re free to create powerful sales solutions. Plus, the wide range of in-demand product options lets you offer your clients coverage they actually want. And when it’s all on a site that looks and feels like the rest of your business, you can seamlessly integrate QuickStart with the rest of your business.

Next, it’s made to help you make more sales. It starts with built-in prequalification, so you can ensure product fit before application time and get the right products into your clients’ hands. And the products on QuickStart are built for all sorts of people, not just those who are young, healthy and preferred. Our decision engine is built to get more people approved, meaning more business for you. Then, built-in electronic policy delivery makes it fast and easy to put policies in your clients’ hands.

Last, it’s backed up by a carrier that cares about you and your success. We’re not an insurtech firm who was trying to compete with you a few years ago. We have more than 130 years’ experience in helping our independent distributors thrive, and QuickStart is simply the latest way we’re doing it. That’s why we go the extra mile with our partnership, from ongoing support and consultation to award-winning customer service for your clients.

See why QuickStart does more

How can I get QuickStart?

QuickStart is a powerful platform that can supercharge your sales, and we want to make sure it does as much as it can for you. Because of that, we want to meet with every potential QuickStart agency before you start so we can ensure it will help your business.

Once we’ve made sure QuickStart is right for you, you pay a small, one-time setup fee, and our experts will start setting up your site. You’ll be selling in new ways before you know it.

Want to learn more? Check out our site to see all the ways QuickStart can help transform your business.

Get started with QuickStart today

[1] Statista, Online shopping preference in the United States as of 2017, by age group, 2017
[2] PwC, COVID-19 Consumer Insurance and Retirement Pulse Survey, June 2020


Accidental Death Insurance Plus
Policy Form Nos. I H2004 and I H2011 and Rider Form Nos. R I2005, R I2006, R I2007, R I2008, R I2009, R I2010, R I2012 and R I2013 are underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Term Life Insurance
Policy Form No. I L1702 and Rider Form Nos. R I1506, R I1703, R I1705, R I1706, R I0762, R I0825-T, and R I0827-T and R I1704 are underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Income Protection Individual Disability Income Insurance
Policy Form No. I H2016 and Rider Form Nos. R I2019, R I2020, I R2021, R I2022, R I 2023, R I2024 and R I2025 are underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Critical Illness Insurance
Policy Form No. I H1820 and Rider Form Nos. R I1821, R I1822,, R I1824, R I1825, R I1826, R I1827, R I1828, R I1829, and R I1830 underwritten by Assurity Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, NE.

Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, NY.