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Safe­guard­ing our plan­et through sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

As a B Corp, we plan for the future – and sustainable practices are central to preserving it.

“For many of us, sustainability is no longer just a good idea – it’s a matter of the self-preservation of mankind.” – Tom Henning

If you’ve followed any corporate social responsibility efforts over the past years, you’ve probably noticed that “sustainability” is the buzzword du jour. It’s been plastered on everything from high-efficiency lightbulbs to loaves of bread, and it’s easy to glance over it without paying any mind to the meaning.

At Assurity, sustainability isn’t another trend. It’s baked into the essence of what we do. We’re in the business of protection – protection for families, their livelihoods and, most importantly, their futures. And it’s become increasingly clear that sustainability is key to protecting the future for everyone.

As an insurance company, we’re not generating massive amounts of pollution – but we’re still careful to measure our impact. Our LEED Gold Certified building has allowed us to cut our energy consumption in half since we moved in, and last year we recycled 100 percent of the paper and electronics we used. We’ve led community initiatives like a local cardboard ban, and we sponsor events like Lincoln Earth Day.

Our planet is facing environmental challenges of all kinds. Severe weather events spawned by global climate change and increasing scarcity of natural resources are on the horizon unless we can turn things around. For us, that’s the biggest reason to practice sustainability – because it’s the right thing to do.

There are other benefits beyond ethics, of course – sustainable practices cut costs, creating savings we can pass along to our policyholders. They help with employee engagement and retention, because our associates care that their work makes a difference.

As a Certified B Corp, we’re held to the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance. We’ve essentially certified our commitment to using our business as a force for good. Sustainability is just one way of doing that – but it’s among the most important. Because when we look back 50 or even 100 years from now, we want to be able to say we made the world a better place.

Watch our video to learn how we're creating a more sustainable future.

Learn more about becoming a B Corporation